Guide to Using the System

What is SimchaPay ?

Looking to send a Gift from a group of people but don’t want to be the one busy collecting the money or laying out (And possibly not getting paid back)?

Thats why SimchaPay was created. To enable Groups to Join together effortlessly in sending the perfect gift for Any occasion.

How do I use SimchaPay  for my next Gift occasion?

Simply contact the store of your choice and ask them to setup your Group Gift.

They will take all the necessary information and details for your gift event, and then send you a Link that you can share with your Group.

All the participants need to do is, Click the Link and Check what dollar amount they want to Gift. Add their Name as it should appear on the message and enter their CC Details to submit the Payment.

What information do I need to give the store to create my Group Gift?

The Store will ask for Your Name, as well as Best Contact Phone number and Email address. This information will be saved, and an account created for you that will keep track of any orders you make. You will also receive emails, regarding the Gift you setup, when the deadline is approaching and when the gift was delivered.

The Store will then ask details regarding the Gift.  The recipients Name, the Occasion, the Date of the event, what type of group this is for (Aunts, Workmates, Seminary etc.) and the Name of the Group (Bais Yaakov xyz). You will also let them know if the gift will be picked up or need to be delivered. The time of the event and any special information regarding the location for the delivery. If there is a specific type of item, you want or let the store choose. Lastly, you will give them a Gift message to attach.

What if I don’t have ALL the Information – can I still setup the Gift Account?

Yes – as long as you have a recipient’s name and the occasion, the store can create the Gift account. You can then let them now later the other information and they can edit and add that.

How much does each person need to pay to join the gift?

That depends on each stores policy. The store will let you know what their minimum is. You can request to have a Higher suggested amount sent to your group.  You also have the option to raise the minimum you are requesting from your participants. Of course, they can pay more than the suggested amount. You do have an option to request a specific fixed amount per person. (meaning NOT more and NOT less)

How much does it cost to use SimchaPay?

There is NO cost to the contributor for using SimchaPay to process your payment.

What payments are accepted?

SimchaPay uses an encrypted processing server to process all Credit Cards. That includes from any country.

We even offer the option to Add via ZELLE or CASHAPP – or Bring CASH and drop off at the store.

Why use SimchPay?

Using SimchaPay, you can track the status of the order, View the contributors and total collected.  The system will even add and keep track of people who joined and paid by Zelle or other options. You can follow the collection without having to bother the store. Plus, you can see who gave and who might need another reminder. You will also get email update reminder closer to the deadline and the gift closing, sharing the total collected so far.

Can everyone see how much I gave?

NO – All contributions are hidden, and only your name can be seen.

Do I need a smartphone to use SimchaPay?

NO – the link can be sent via WhatsApp or Email to the Group Organizer. It can then even be forwarded via standard text message.

Can I contribute if I don’t have internet?

YES – You can choose to call the store directly (or via email) and give them your payment information over the phone, and you will be added to the group list, and the Group message.

We hope this will be helpful to the Users in sharing simchos.


– The SimchaPay Team