
With BH so many Simchos and Occasions, it became difficult for people to send a Gift for every event. Thus Group Gifting had become popular – Sharing together to get a better and more meaningful gift. A benefit for both the senders and the recipient. But the challenge was, who will be in charge of Collecting the money and keeping track of who did or didn’t join yet.

SimchaPay offers a better platform for Gifting for any occasion – keeping track of funds, as well as sharing/promoting the Gift collection and providing contributors with an easier way to join.

Now sharing in a Simcha has become easier, for customers, friends and families.

Vendors utilizing the SimchaPay system, offer their customer base the benefit of a Payment portal available 24 hours a day. Enabling the Group Organizer to stay up to date with the total collected and who has joined and who still has not, so they can send reminders. All without needing to contact the vendor during business hours.